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17 questions
Public transport is often more _удобен_ than taking one's car
the _настаняването_ provided is not always very comfortable
_Да вървиш в крак с_ fashion takes a lot of effort.
I don't want to _търпя_ his annoying habits
Zoo animals live _зависими от_ humans
These people have chosen to live in a place where ways of getting to work _се различават от_ those in their own country.
As foreign travel becomes _все по_ cheap
It is _несъмнено_ a big decision.
I want to become more independent and _разчиташ на себе си_.
I have to _да се справям_ difficult situations
Аlthough living in a strange place can be stressful, it is something that everybody is _е способен да се приспособи_ .
All in all, country life _не е за всеки_.
I'm sure the government _нарочно дезинформира_ the public about this.
We should think carefully before _отхвърлям_ its many benefits
A pet ties you down _до известна степен_
To sum up, there are obviously many _трудности_ to country life
Everyone has the right to be comfortable _по свой си начин_.
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