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11 questions
Which of the following is a non-rivalrous good?
a car
a hiking trail
a canoe
A situation of market failure is said to exist if;
buyers and sellers pay for the true opportunity costs of their actions
there are no externalities
the government provides merit goods free
third parties in society are affected and not compensated
This is the fact that consumption of a public good cannot be confined to those who have paid for it.
External cost
Products where social benefits to the community outweighs the private benefits to the consumer:
Merit goods
Demerit goods
Public goods
Economic goods
Which of the following is an example of a public good?
A lighthouse
The public transport (bus or train)
Water to homes
A coca cola
TWO ANSWERS ARE CORRECT: Market failure occurs:
The free market fails to open on time
Free markets fail efficiently allocate resources
Price mechanism is NOT low enough for all consumers to afford the good
Price mechanism fails to account for all costs and benefits associated with consumption of a product
Products that the government feels that people will under-consume and suppliers over supply:
Merit goods
Demerit goods
Public goods
Economic goods
Tend to have positive externalities
Merit goods
Demerit goods
Private goods
Economic goods
More harmful than customers realize:
Merit goods
Demerit goods
Private goods
Economic goods
This means that consumption by one person does not reduce the consumption by another persons.
External cost
Products people underestimate the benefits of consuming and producing
Merit goods
Demerit goods
Public goods
Economic goods
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