Social Studies



Language Acquisition Unit 3


10 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    The first language has interference on the second language acquisition, and the role of…

    ·       L1 in the L2 depends on some similarities and differences between the two languages.

           L2 in the L1 depends on some similarities and differences between the two languages.

    ·       L1 and L2 depend on some similarities and differences between the two languages.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
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    According to R. Lado, the easiest forms to be acquired in L2 are

    ·       the ones existing in L1 too.

    ·       the ones existing in L2 too.

    ·       the ones existing either in L1 or L2.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    2 pts

    El análisis contrastivo (CA) es un enfoque para el estudio de SLA que implica predecir y explicar los problemas del estudiante en función de una comparación de L1 y L2 para determinar similitudes y diferencias.  



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