
Professional Development


certainty and uncertainty


10 questions

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  • 1. Open Ended
    15 minutes
    1 pt

    Choose three photographs for notice board.

    Be ready to explain why you choose these photographs.

  • 2. Open Ended
    15 minutes
    2 pts

    1. You are going to read about some teachers deciding which photographs to use on their notice board.

    2. Which photograph is each teacher talking about? Read again.

    Lydia: This one would be good. They must be working on a poster for a project, they’re working together, and it shows they can work in groups organizing themselves without the teacher always there, though the problem is they could be in any subject I suppose, not necessarily English!

    Martin: I’m not sure about this one. They can’t be using much English together, they’re all in separate desks, it looks as if they are correcting a worksheet together. I know it’s useful for them, but as a picture it doesn’t really show them using English, does it? Kyle I’d go for this one. I think we should use the one with the computers in it, it points to the future, they could be doing anything there – projects, info gaps with another group, a pron activity, group writing, a web quest.

    Magda: This one is good too. The teacher looks like she’s asking questions, The children look really enthusiastic; they really want to answer. They might be checking homework, or doing a team quiz, or giving ideas for a brainstorm. They must like the activity a lot, they look so enthusiastic! That’s what we want, really!

  • 3. Open Ended
    15 minutes
    3 pts

    Why did the teachers in the audio use the underlined words to talk about the photographs?

    1. ‘I like this one, they must be working on a poster for a project.

    2. ‘They could be doing anything there: projects, info gaps with another group, a pron activity.

    3. ‘They can’t be using much English together, they’re all in separate desks.’

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