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20 questions
Continuity of care
The Care Act
Data Protection
Health and Social Care Act
The Equality Act
No decision without me
The Data Protection Act
The Health and Social Care Act
The Children Act
Nine protected characteristics
Data Protection Act
The mental capacity act
the Equality Act
The Children Act
The right to breastfeed in public
The Equality Act
The Children Act
The Children and Family Act
The Data Protection Act
Keep information for no longer than is necessary
The Children and Family Act
The Data Protection Act
The Human Rights Act
The Care Certificate
Understand your role and communication
Data Protection Act
The Equality Act
The Data Protection Act
The Care Certificate
Presumption of capacity
The Children Act
The Equality Act
The Mental Capacity Act
The Human Rights Act
Right to life
The Care Certificate
The Equality Act
The Health and Social Care Act
Human rights act
Paramountcy principle
Data protection act
The Children Act
The equality act
Used only for the purposes for which it is intended
Human rights act
The equality act
Children act
Data protection act
Support to make own decisions
The Children Act
Human Rights Act
The Care Certificate
The mental capacity act
The child has the right to be consulted
The Children Act
The Children and Families Act
Human Rights Act
Right to liberty and security
The equality act
The human rights act
Children and families act
Data protection act
Parental leave with a newborn
The children act
The mental capacity act
The children and families act
Prohibits discrimination
The Equality Act
Human Rights Act
Data protection Act
Created the children's commissioner
The Data protection act
The children and family act
The children act
Clinical commissioning groups - GP led bodies
The Care Act
Health and social care act
Children act
Duty on local authorities to promote an individuals
The Care Act
The Health and Social Care Act
The Equality Act
The Children Act
Health watch - independent service - aims to protect the interest of those that use health and social care services
The Care Act
The Equality Act
The Children Act
The health and social care act
Aim to protect children at risk of harm
Children and family act
The Children act
The mental capacity act
The Human Rights Act
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