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20 questions
Promētheus ignem hominibus dedit.
from the people
by people
to people
of the people
Nōs dōnum magnō cum gaudiō accēpimus.
of great joy
great joy
with great joy
for great joy
Troiānī ad portum Siciliae nāvigant.
of Sicily
to Sicily
from Sicily
by Sicily
Sulpicia amīcās ad cēnam epistulā invītāvit.
with a letter
for a letter
about the letter
of the letter
“Tū mihi magnum dōnum dās,” poēta clāmat.
to me
to you
Poēta laetus in agrō novō labōrat et cantat.
near his new field
across his new field
into his new field
in his new field
Poēta equō aquam et cibum laetē dat.
to the horse
from the horse
with the horses
Pūblius mātrī fābulam longam nārrāvit.
of his mother
by his mother
with his mother
to his mother
Omnēs hominēs verba senātōris audiunt.
by the senator
of the senator
for the senator
with the senator
Discipula epistulam stilō scrībēbat.
instead of a stylus
near a stylus
with a stylus
of a stylus
Mārcus virīs et fēminīs multum cibum ex agrīs dat
a man and a woman
to men and women
from men and women
with a man and a woman
Fēmina cum sorōre in silvam festīnat.
away from her sister
to her sister
near her sister
with her sister
Quīntus nōbīs cibum dedit.
by us
to us
with us
from us
Senātōrēs ad Cūriam magnā celeritāte appropinquābant.
of great speed
great speed
with great speed
for great speed
Discipulī librum magistrae in vīllā vīdērunt.
by the teacher
from the teacher
the teacher's
with the teacher
Pīrātae ad īnsulam nāvibus nāvigābant.
by ships
near ships
about ships
of ships
Puella aquam puerō dat.
to the boy
of the boy
from the boy
with the boy
Pater Flāviae est poēta et pater Quārtī est agricola.
of Flavia
by Flavia
from Flavia
Mārcus cum familiā in casā habitat.
his family
near his family
around his family
with his family
Amīcī ā viā post equum ambulant.
the road
away from the road
down the road
near the road
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