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11 questions
One of the benefits of independent travel is........
Improved quality of life.
A worse quality of life.
Independent travel will give me much more ------- to do what I want.
Being able to travel independently will make me ........
more reliant on my parents / carers
less reliant on my carers/parents
Learning how to travel independently will improve my.......
Being able to travel independently will help me to get some paid ---- or take part in some work experience.
When travelling independently I am learning new ------
How will independent travel help me to build new social networks?
Independent travel will allow me to have more ...... over my own life.
Being able to travel independently will give me more.......
choice & money
independence & money
independence & choice
Independent travel will improve your self-esteem, draw what this means to you.
What impact will being able to travel independently have on you?
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