Gang intranet

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NUMBERS & SYMBOLS $ - Power and Money 0-0 - Double ought buck shot (shot gun) 000 - Blood 001 - Blood love 006 - Silence (used by Black Gangster Disciples) 013 - Get him; assault someone (Bloods) 023 - Watch your back (Bloods) 025 - What rank are you (Bloods) 031 - I am Blood 041 - Kill the Crip (Bloods) 13 - 13th letter of the alphabet-"M"; may be used for marijuana or methamphetamine 13 or XIII or X3 - Symbolizes gangs of Hispanic heritage showing allegiance to Southern California; Sureño 13, Sur 13 13 1/2 - Represents: 12 jurors, one judge, half-ass chance 14 or XIV or X4 - Used by Hispanic gangs for Northern California (14th letter of alphabet - N) - Norteño 14, Norte 14 18 - 18th Street Gang 18th Street - Hispanic Los Angeles street gang - aligned with Mexican Mafia 100 Proof - The real thing 1-15 - As one (Gangster Disciples) 1-1-15 - All As One (GD) 187 - California penal code for murder ; may be seen in graffiti as a threat that someone will be killed i.e. 187 John Doe; may also be worn as a tattoo 1 AD 7 - See 187 above 211 - California penal code - robbery ; also Crip term meaning Blood Killer (2nd and 11th letters of alphabet - B K 212 - NY City telephone area code (Manhattan); also Blood term (Tampa, FL) meaning Blood Love 274 - Black Gangster Disciples (2nd, 7th and 4th letters of alphabet) - B.G.D.) 2-15-19 - Brothers of Struggle (2nd 15th and 19th letters of alphabet) - B.O.S. 2-7-4-14 - Code for Black Gangster Disciples Nation (B.G.D.N.- 2nd, 7th, 4th and 14th letters of alphabet) 23/24 - Inmates on lockup - 23 out of 24 hours each day 24/7 or 247 - Constantly - 24 hours per day, 7 days a week 26ers - Two Sixers - Chicago street gang 3 - 3rd letter of alphabet: C - frequently used by Bloods to replace the letter C in words to disrespect the Crips i.e. Bla3k, Mi3key 3obras 3C - 3=trey plus C - forms Spanish word trece meaning the number 13 3 R's - Respect, Reputation, Revenge 311 - Used by Bloods meaning Crip Killer (3rd and 11th letters of alphabet - C K 312 - Crip Love - 3rd and 12th letters of alphabet - C L 360 - Folk Nation - numbers representing "full circle of knowledge" 360 degrees - A "pure" Black Gangster Disciple 40's - 40 ounce bottle of malt liquor 410 - Gangster Disciple code for "Folks in battle" 415's - Gang name taken from the telephone area code for San Francisco, CA area 415 KUNI - The 415 KUMI is a Black gang that originated in the San Francisco Bay/Berkley area of California in 1985. The are now referred to as the 415 KUMI. 415 represents the area code for the region. When added together, the numbers 4+1+5 = 10. KUMI is the Swahili word for "ten." 420 - Gangster Disciple code for "Disciple trouble" or "Disciples in trouble"; Also refers to the time of day "pot" smokers light up; sometimes seen in graffiti 5 - Number symbolic to People Nation The following slang terms are Blood terms, used to disrespect Crips and the Folk Nation 5 BAGGIN 6/ HANGIN 5 FLAGGIN 6/ DRAGGIN 5 POPPIN 6/ DROPPIN 5 BUCKIN 6/ DUCKIN 5 FLYIN 6/ DIEIN 5 ALIVE 6/ MUST DIE 5 cKlippin 6 DRIPPIN` 5 GUNNIN`6 RUNNIN` 5 PIMPIN` 6 LIMPIN` 5 LEADIN` 6 BLEADIN` 5 in the sky.....6 must die - Revenge; a People Nation member was killed - a retaliation against the Folks Nation will take place 5%, 5%er - Five Percenters 5 Percent - Five Percenters 5 Point Star - Symbolic to the People Nation 5 Poppin, 6 Droppin - People Nation - Term used to disrespect gangs in the Folks Nation; People Nation (5) members shooting at Folk Nation (6)members 5-0 - The police 510 - Oakland, CA area code; used by some to identify the location of their gang or set 50/50 - Neutral; non-gang member 5150 - Refers to a California Mental Health code; may be used to indicate the mental status of a person. May also indicate a threat by using the 5th and 1st letters of the alphabet "E" and "A" and the slang number for police "50" to mean Eradicate All Police 6 - Number symbolic to Folk Nation 6-6-2 - MOB; Numbers represent letters on telephone keypad 6-6-6 - Symbol for Aryan Brotherhood, Folks and Crips; also satanic cults 6 Point Star (of David) - Symbolic to gangs within the Folk Nation 6 Poppin, 5 Droppin - Folk Nation - Term used to disrespect gangs in the People Nation; Folk Nation (6) members shooting at People Nation (5) members 7 - Refers to the 7th letter of the alphabet "G"; may represent G for Gangster or G for God (Five Percenters) 7-4 - Code for Gangster Disciples (7th & 4th letters of alphabet) - G.D. 730 - New York State section of law that deals with mental health evaluations; used as Bloods code; describes "crazies" 737 - Numbers on telephone key pad representing PDS; Public Enemy Number One Death Squad 88 - White Supremacist - Heil Hitler (8th letter of alphabet - H) 8-Ball - 1/8 ounce of cocaine; alliance of Crips with the Folk Nation 911 - Warning that police are coming

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SPANISH SLANG chingao - (pronounced ching-gow) (with the loss of voiced fricatives /d/ in the intervocalic position. Might be used as chingao hombre = Damn, man. Similarly, "mojado" becomes "mojao." Dropping the voiced fricative /d/ in the intervocalic position occurred throughout when speaking Spanish. No chinges con migo - (don't mess with me) or "No chinges." Chingasos (go to blows, a beating) el mas chingon - the toughest, most macho (male) la mas chingona - the toughest (female) or the top dog Estar firme - to get down, or get yourself together, although to get down for someone also means to go to the ultimate for that person or for the gang. To have back-up in a sense. Pinche - Ese pinche vato - That f---ing guy. Puto - Homosexual La ruca,la loca - references to females. Mi chava - my girlfriend Una chavalona - a young good looking female. Vatos - dudes, guys. Pendejo - fool Lambiche - kiss ass, a brown noser Camaradas - homeboys/ and girls Hecho tiempo conmigo - Someone did time with me "Mamacita" often spoken with a lecherous overtone sometimes derisively addressed to good looking females or female passers-by. Esta mas loco que la fregada/que la madre/ que la chingada all meant "He's crazier than hell!" Tecatos/tecatas - heroin users No me anden vacilando - Don't be pulling my leg, putting me on, messing with me. cuete - gun an 8-ball - a quantity of cocaine (a number of drug-related jargon words were used frequently) mucho pedo - a big rucus, to make trouble no esta limpio - he's not drug free Puro - pure P/V - Por Vida or for life Ratas - snitch Rifa - controls rules, reigns Riva - Riverside Sur - Southern California Surenos - Souther California Que relaje - an embarrassment /also refers to males or females who squeal to the police on the camaradas/the bros/homegirls, Que honda - greeting like "What's happening" Yoboseyo - Hello

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