

EPPP Psychology Licensing Exam (5 of 5)


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  • 1. Open Ended
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    BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR 1. Which of the following describes postconcussion syndrome? • 1. Irritability, fatigue, and headaches. • 2. Loss of consciousness for minutes to an hour. • 3. Loss of consciousness for hours to days. •4. Headaches and numbness on one side of the body.
  • 2. Open Ended
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    ETHICAL/LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES 2. According to the Tarasoff II ruling: • 1. a therapist has a duty to protect when he or she becomes aware of a potential homicidal situation in the course of therapy. • 2. when a patient admits to homicidal intent and there is a "reasonably identifiable victim," the therapist has a duty to warn the intended victim as well as the police. • 3. when a patient admits to homicidal intent, the therapist must attempt to warn the intended victim and must tell the police, as well as take further steps such as securing medications or hospitalization for the patient. • 4. when a patient admits to vague homicidal intent, the therapist must ascertain who the intended victim is.
  • 3. Open Ended
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    GROWTH AND LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT 3. Several school age children are playing handball during recess. Which of the following statements might be made if the children are in Piaget's stage of autonomous morality? • 1. It's okay to change the rules if we all agree. • 2. It is wrong to break the rules of the game. • 3. You're cheating, so I'm not going to play anymore. • 4. You're cheating, so I'm going to tell on you.
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