Which NIMS Management Characteristic involves using standardized names and definitions for major organizational functions and units?
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What is Modular Organization?
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Who is responsible for the establishment and expansion of the modular organization based on incident-specific requirements?
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Which characteristic has the features?
As incident complexity increases, the structure expands and management responsibilities are more divided. The number of management, supervisory, and support positions expand to meet the incident's needs
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What is management by objectives?
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Which NIMS Management Characteristic includes developing and issuing assignments, plans, procedures, and protocols to accomplish tasks?
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Which NIMS Management Characteristic includes
identifying strategies, tactics, tasks, and activities to achieve objectives?
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Which NIMS Management Characteristic includes
establishing specific and measurable objectives?
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Which NIMS Management Characteristic includes documenting results against objectives to measure performance, facilitate corrective actions, and inform development of objectives for the next operation period
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What does Incident Action Planning do?
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Which NIMS Management Characteristic includes documents that record and communicate incident objectives, tactics, and assignments for operations and support?
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Which NIMS Management Characteristic is recommended for all incidents?
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Which NIMS Management Characteristic is not always written, but when written is increasingly important when an incident or activation:
1. Is likely to extend beyond one operation period
2. Becomes more complex
3. Involves multiple jurisdictions or agencies
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Which NIMS Management Characteristic refers to the number of subordinates that directly report to a supervisor?
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What happens when you maintain a manageable span of control?
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What is the optimal span of control for incident management (is only a guideline and effective management usually calls for different ratios)?
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When can supervisors assign subordinate supervisors or redistribute subordinates to manage portions of the organization in order to get a manageable span of control?
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Based on what circumstances can span of control change?
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Who established the Incident Facilities and Locations?
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What does incident size and complexity unfluce?
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What are typical designated facility examples?
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Which NIMS Management Characteristic includes maintaining accurate and up-to-date inventories of personnel, equipment, teams,and supplies?
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What does Integrated Communities allow?
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How do incident managers facilitate communications?
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When does Integrated Communications Planning occur before and during an incident?
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How does an incident that's anticipated or occur get the organization with primary responsibility for the incident establish command?
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Which NIMS Management Characteristic allowed agencies with different authorities and responsibilities work together effectively without affecting individual agency authority, responsibility, or accountability?
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Which ICS structure enables jurisdictions to jointly manage and direct incident activities with single action plan?
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What is Chain of Command and Unity of Command?
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Which NIMS Management Characteristic helps to estimate confusion caused by conflicting instructions?
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What is essential for all resources during an incident?
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What principles of accountability should incident management personnel stick to?
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When should resources dispatch and deploy?
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When shouldn't resources dispatch and deploy?
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Which NIMS Management Characteristic follow established processes for gathering, analyzing ,assessing, sharing and managing data?