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  • 1. Open Ended
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    LOGICAL REASONING: IDENTIFY THE CENTRAL ASSUMPTION: Linsey has been judged to be a bad songwriter simply because her lyrics typically are disjointed and subjective. This judgment is ill founded, however, since the writings of many modern novelists typically are disjointed and subjective and yet these novelists are widely held to be good writers. Which one of the following is an ASSUMPTION on which the argument depends? (A) Disjointed and subjective writing has a comparable effect in modern novels and in songs. (B) Some readers do not appreciate the subtleties of the disjointed and subjective style adopted by modern novelists. (C) Song lyrics that are disjointed and subjective have at least as much narrative structure as any other song lyrics do. (D) A disjointed and subjective style of writing is usually more suitable for novels and song lyrics than it is for any other written works. (E) The quality of Linsey's songs is better judged by quality of their lyrics than by the quality of their musical form.
  • 2. Open Ended
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    LOGICAL REASONING: IDENTIFYING CENTRAL ASSUMPTION Obviously, we cannot in any real sense mistreat plants. Plants do not have nervous systems, and having a nervous system is necessary to experience pain. The conclusion above follows logically if which one of the following is assumed? (A) Any organism that can experience pain can be mistreated. (B) Only organisms that have nervous systems can experience pain. (C) Any organism that has a nervous system can experience pain. (D) Only organisms that can experience pain can be mistreated. (E) Any organism that has a nervous system can be mistreated.
  • 3. Open Ended
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    LOGICAL REASONING: IDENTIFYING CENTRAL ASSUMPTION All material bodies are divisible into parts, and everything divisible is imperfect. It follows rgar akk material bodies are imperfect.It likewise follows that the spirit is not a material body. The final conclusion above follows logically if which one of the following is assumed? a) Everything divisible is a material body. b) Nothing imperfect is indivisible. c) The spirit is divisible. d) The spirit is perfect. e) The spirit is either indivisible or imperfect.
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