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10 questions
How do you usually get in touch with your friends?
phone call
messages (e.g. WhatsApp)
How much time do you spend on social media every day?
more than three hours
more than two hours
more than one hour
less than one hour
What kind of social media do you use?
What "kind" of friends do you have?
from school
online friends
from the neighbourhood
from free-time activities (e.g. sports club)
How often do you spend time with your friends online?
every day
twice or three times a week
a few times per months
hardly ever
When you meet your friends face to face, how much time do you spend together online (on average)?
1-2 hours
1/2 - 1 hour
no time at all
What is the best thing about social media for you?
What is the worst thing about social media for you?
What do you argue about with your parents when it comes to social media use?
What's important for you in a friendship?
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