Science, Physics

10th -



Sci 14 Chapter 6 -7


24 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    5 pts

    What is an insulator?

    Something that keeps objects warm

    Something that stores thermal energy

    Something that slows the transfer of thermal energy

    Something that allows the transfer of thermal energy

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    5 pts

    How does most insulation in the home work?

    The insulating material has a vacuum that doesn't allow conduction or convection to occur

    The insulating material has trapped air pockets that slows conduction and convection from occurring

    All the insulating material is put at the top of the house because heat rises

    All the insulating material is put in the walls because they have a large surface area

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    5 pts

    Installing insulation...

    keeps your house warm in the winter and cool in the summer

    only keeps your house warm in the winter

    only keeps your house cool in the summer

    keeps your house cool in the winter and warm in the summer

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