


Multiple Intelligence Presentation


20 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    5 pts

    A person who has a naturalist intelligence...

    enjoys reading, doing crossword puzzles,and writing
    enjoys helping others, gets along with others, likes teams
    enjoys spending time alone, needs quiet time
    is good with plants, likes to study about space, the earth, and weather
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    5 pts

    A person who has intrapersonal intelligence...

    enjoys helping others, likes teams, likes talking things over
    sings well, enjoys listening to music
    enjoys sports, dancing, or other physical activity
    enjoys spending time alone; needs quiet time
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    5 pts

    A person who has musical/rhythmic intelligence...

    sings well, enjoys listening to music, plays an instrument
    enjoys sports, dancing, or other physical activity; hands-on
    likes to take care of pets, is good with plants, likes to study earth and space
    enjoys photography, drawing, and painting, can read maps easily
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