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10 questions
These are the specialized structures inside a living cell that perform specific roles or jobs.
a. Gornamelles.
b. Organelles.
c. Cellulite.
d. Respirators.
2. The part of the cell that serves as the main control center is called the:
a. Cilia
b. Flagella
c. Nucleus
d. Vacuole
3. Why can’t bacteria grow as tall as human beings?
a. They do not have cell walls.
b. They only have single cells.
c. They have smaller vacuoles.
d. They can cause diseases.
4. Nutrients travel along a road network inside the cell called
a. Golgi Bodies.
b. Cell membrane.
c. Endoplasmic Reticulum.
d. Chloroplasts.
5. Among the scientists of the Cell Theory, which of them studied cells from the dental scrapings of his own teeth?
a. Zacarias Jansen
b. Robert Hooke
c. Isaac Newton
d. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
6. What can happen if animal cells have cell walls?
a. Animals will not be able to move from one place to another.
b. Animals can still do the same things it can do.
c. Animals will turn green and grow leaves.
d. Animals do not need to hunt anymore because they can make food in their
7. Which of the following has DNA?
a. Potatoes
b. Mushrooms
c. Triceratops
d. All of the above
8. How is DNA similar to a barcode?
a. It is found in supermarkets.
b. It has a warehouse and workers.
c. It contains materials and their prices.
d. It has the information about a certain living thing.
9. When DNA creates RNA, what will happen to it?
a. The RNA destroys the nucleus for good.
b. The RNA becomes sugar and stays in the cytoplasm.
c. The RNA is turned into protein by the ribosome.
d. The RNA is mixed with amino acids in the mitochondria.
10. How did Rosalind Franklin discover the shape of the DNA?
a. She spent 100 hours using the x-ray to take pictures of the DNA.
b. She extracted the DNA from her tooth scrapings.
c. She wrote wrote a scientific report and sent to other scientists.
d. She studied her own cancer cells before she died.
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