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17 questions
You must turn right
you must turn left
you must go ahead
You can park here
you can't park here
You must pay here
You must go ahead
You must slow down
You must give way
Cyclists can enter
Cyclists mustn't enter
Cyclists must stop
You must enter here
You mustn't enter here
You must give way
Pedestrians can enter
Pedestrians must enter
Pedestrians mustn't enter
You can stop
You must stop
You can park here
Pedestrians mustn't cross
Pedestrians can cross
You must give way to pedestrians
You must drive fast
You mustn't drive fast
You can drive fast
You must turn back
You can turn back
You mustn't turn back
You must turn right
You mustn't turn left
You mustn't turn right
You must be careful with the train
Trains must stop
Trains mustn't enter
You must turn right
You must turn left
You must go straight ahead
Cyclists must enter
Cyclists can park here
Cyclists mustn't enter
You can park here
You must park here
You mustn't park here
Trucks must go straight ahead
Trucks mustn't park
Trucks mustn't enter
You mustn't park here but you can wait
You can park and wait here
You mustn't park or wait here
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