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10 questions
What is the name of this note?
whole note
quarter note
half note
dotted half note
What is the name of this rest?
eighth rest
sixteenth rest
quarter rest
quarter restwhole rest
What is the name of this note?
quarter note
sixteenth note
eighth note
whole note
How many beats is a whole note worth?
4 beats
1 beat
2 beats
1/2 of a beat
What note receives 1/4 beat?
sixteenth note
half note
eight rest
eight note
What is the name of this rest?
whole rest
half rest
quarter rest
sixteenth rest
What is the name of this rest?
eighth rest
quarter rest
sixteenth rest
half rest
How many beats is a quarter rest worth?
1 beat
4 beats
2 beats
3 beats
What is the name of this note?
dotted half note
dotted whole note
dotted half note
dotted quarter note
How many beats is a dotted half note worth?
1 beat
2 and 1/2 beats
3 beats
4 beats
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