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14 questions
Which part of the graph represents the point where water evaporates?
Q to R
R to S
S to T
T to U
Which part of the graph represents the point where ice melts?
P to Q
Q to R
R to S
S to T
Which part of the graph represents the point where gas gets hotter?
Q to R
R to S
S to T
T to U
Which part of the graph represents the point where water gets hotter?
P to Q
Q to R
R to S
S to T
The part of the graph between points C and D represents:
Latent heat
Sensible heat
The part of the graph between points D and E represents:
Latent heat
Sensible heat
The part of the graph between points E and F represents:
Latent heat
Sensible heat
What is the definition of specific heat?
the particular temperature of a specific substance
the heat required to change the temperature of a substance by one degree per kilogram
the difference between the temperature of a substance in two different states
the amount of heat that you need to change a substance from one state to another
Which of the following is true of specific heat?
the specific heat of a substance is always fixed no matter what state it is in
the specific heat is always the same as the latent heat of fusion
the specific heat is always greater than the latent heat of vaporisation
specific heat is normally measured in kilojoules per kilogram
What is the formula for sensible heat?
mass times temperature times specific heat
mass times temperature difference times sensible heat
specific heat times temperature difference times mass
sensible heat times temperature difference times mass
What is the formula for latent heat?
latent heat of fusion divided by mass
latent heat of fusion times mass
latent heat of fusion minus mass
latent heat of fusion plus mass
I have 10kg of ice at -10ËšC and I want to convert it all to water. How many calculations will I need to do?
I have 10kg of ice at -10ËšC and I want to convert it all to vapour. How many calculations will I need to do?
I have 10kg of ice at -10ËšC and I want to convert it all to water. The specific heat of ice is 2.1kJ/kg and the latent heat of fusion is 335kJ/kg. How much heat will I need?
210 + 3350 = 3560kJ
210 + 3350 + 2100 = 5660kJ
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