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8 questions
You can buy anything you need on the __________.
black and white
black market
red herring
out of the blue
This story is a __________ to divert public attention from this issue.
grey area
red tape
red herring
white lie
Completely __________, she got a letter from her long-lost cousin in New York.
out of the blue
a white lie
black market
grey area
What's the harm of a __________ if it will make her feel better?
grey area
black and white
red herring
white lie
The insurance industry is such a __________ at the best of times.
grey area
red herring
white elephant
red tape
You have to go through endless ___________ to get a residence permit.
out of the blue
red tape
grey area
black and white
Without proof in __________, I'm not going to make any assumptions.
grey area
red tape
red herring
black and white
Cake and __________ stalls plus a grand prize draw.
red herring
white elephant
white lie
black market
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