Classroom Phrases (1)
S. Londinium
World Languages, English
KG - 5th Grade
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Multiple Choice
What is "Kannst du / Können Sie mir bitte helfen?" in English?
Can you help me, please.
Can you open the window, please?
Can I go to the toilet, please?
Can you give me a pen, please?
Multiple Choice
What is "Kann ich bitte auf die Toilette gehen?" in English?
Can you help me, please.
Can you open the window, please?
Can I go to the toilet, please?
Can you give me a pen, please?
Multiple Choice
What is "Öffne dein Lehrbuch auf Seite ...!" in English?
Open your workbooks at page ...!
Open your textbook at page ...!
Open your pencil case, please!
Open the window, please.
Multiple Choice
What is "Schaue dir das Bild an / an die Tafel ...!" in English?
Look at the picture / board ...!
Look at the door / window ... !
Look at the teacher / student ... !
Look at the textbook / workbook ...!
Multiple Choice
What is "Prüfe / Korrigiere die Sätze!" in English?
Check the sentences!
Write the sentences!
Draw a picture for the sentence!
Check the exercise!
Multiple Choice
What is "Vergleiche mit deinem Partner/Nachbar!" in English?
Come to the board!
Come to your partner!
Compare with a pen!
Compare with your partner!
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