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Professional Development


MLOps 3


5 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    You landed you dream job to the highest calling of mankind - MLOps Engineer. Your company has a pipeline in place with a neural network for object classification. You see that the model is deteriorating over time and that there are some new objects. You were preparing the data already for retraining with image normilization.

    Which is the most efficient way to retrain your network?

    Your pipeline starts a training job from scratch to account for the new data.

    Your pipeline starts a transfer learning job to account for the new data.

    You train your model locally to account for the new data and update your pipeline respectively.

    Your pipeline starts using Spot instances for inference so the model doesn't require the new data.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    You are Head of Oscillation. Inside of your experiments inside of your training pipeline you observe that in all training jobs the training accuracy oscillates while doing mini-batch training on a neural network for a classification task.

    Which of the following is the MOST LIKELY CAUSE of this problem?

    The class distribution is highly imbalanced.

    Dataset shuffling is disabled.

    The batch size is too big.

    The learning rate is too high.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    You are Vice President of Learning. Your problems and training jobs all run on SageMaker. Furthermore, you found that all your training jobs can be completed with the SageMaker built-in algorithms.

    Which common parameters MUST be given when submitting a training job that use one of the built-in algorithms? (CHOOSE 3.)

    The training channel identifying the location of training data on a S3 bucket.

    The EC2 instance class specifying whether training will be run on a CPU or GPU instance.

    The IAM role that SageMaker can assume to perform tasks on behalf of the users.

    Hyperparameters in a JSON array as documented for the algorithm used.

    The output path specifying where on a S3 bucket the trained model will persist.

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