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10 questions
Chapter 41: Where did Zero sleep most of the time?
Homeless Shelter
At home.
At a group home.
Chapter 42: What was Stanley's crazier idea?
To leave and run past the camp.
To call his parents before leaving.
To fill the water canteens.
To find the treasure.
Chapter 43: Who was the one smart enough to figure out the direction back to Camp Green Lake after they reached Mary Lou?
Chapter 44: What was the boys approach to digging up the treasure?
Dig around it
Dig from the top
Dig a space below it.
Just keep digging.
Chapter 45: What stopped the Warden from jumping in and taking the treasure?
The smell of the boys
Yellow-spotted lizards
Nothing. She jumped in.
She cared for the boys and thought they should have it.
Chapter 46: What did the Warden want?
Both boys dead.
The lizards dead.
The treasure.
All of the above.
Chapter 47: Who is the Warden related to?
Kissin' Kate Barlow
Trout Walker
Chapter 48: Why was there no record of Zero?
They didn't know his name.
He had been there too long.
The Warden erased it when she thought he'd died.
He had stolen it.
Chapter 49: What ingredient did Stanley's father fix foot odor with?
Chapter 50: Do you think it was fate that brought the story together?
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