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10 questions
What time is it?
It's ten after ten.
It's ten before ten
It's ten oh-two
It's ten to ten.
What time is it?
It's twelve o'clock.
It's three-twelve.
It's three o'clock.
It's three sixty.
What time is it?
It's twelve oh-seven.
it's eight past twelve.
It's twelve o'clock.
It's eight to eight
What time is it?
It's thirteen to eight.
It's thirteen to nine.
It's eight forty-five.
It's nine o'clock.
It's twelve o'clock.
Select the incorrect option for this time: 3:05.
It's three oh-five.
It's three past five.
It's five past three.
it's five after three.
What time is it?
It's fifteen to twelve.
It's fifteen before twelve.
It's nine o'clock.
It's twelve o'clock.
What is not correct?
It's twelve oh-eight.
It's eight past twelve.
It's eight after twelve.
It's twelve past eight.
What is correct?
It's twenty-four to five.
It's twenty-four to four.
It's twenty-four before four.
It's five thirty-six.
What time is it?
It's half before seven.
It's half past seven.
It's thirty to eight.
It's seven after thirty.
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