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8 questions
please look at the picture and choose the correct word.
面包 miàn bǎo
包子 bāo zi
海鲜 hǎi xiān
沙拉 shā lā
please look at the picture and choose the correct word.
鸡蛋 jī dàn
牛肉 niú ròu
沙拉 shā lā
羊肉 yáng ròu
please look at the picture and choose the correct word.
鸡蛋 jī dàn
牛肉 niú ròu
羊肉 yáng ròu
鸡肉 jī ròu
please look at the picture and choose the correct word.
鸡蛋 jī dàn
牛肉 niú ròu
鸡肉 jī ròu
羊肉 yáng ròu
please look at the picture and choose the correct word.
牛排 niú pái
海鲜 hǎi xiān
鸡蛋 jī dàn
面包 miàn bāo
please look at the picture and choose the correct word.
海鲜 hǎi xiān
鸡蛋 jī dàn
面包 miàn bāo
沙拉 shā lā
please look at the picture and choose the correct word.
鸡蛋 jī dàn
羊肉 yáng ròu
牛肉 niú pái
鸡肉 jī ròu
please look at the picture and choose the correct word.
沙拉 shā lā
牛肉 niú ròu
羊肉 yáng ròu
面包 miàn bāo
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