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10 questions
Which of the following is an input device?
Which is the first calculating device in the world?
Mobile phone
Which of the following is the correct function of a CPU?
It performs wrong calculations.
It exetes program.
It doesn't make decisions.
It manages all the resources of the computer.
What is the full form of GHz?
Gegha Hertz
Giga Hertz
Giga Heart
What is the full form of ALU?
Arithmetic and lagic unit
Aritmetic and logic unit
Arithmetic and Logic Unit
Which of the following is the characteristics of a computer?
giving result
A computer is an accurate machine. why?
Because it works for a long time.
Because It can do a lot of works.
Because it doesn't make any mistake.
Because It can perform works very fast.
A computer is called an diligent machine. why?
Because it can work for a long time without taking rest.
Because it can perform different types of works.
Becaus we can communicate to each other through it.
Because it can store a large amount of data and program.
Printer is an
Hard copy output
Soft copy output
Monitor is a
Hard copy output
Soft copy output
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