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8 questions
How many classrooms and teachers did old schools have?
One for every grade
4 classrooms, 4 teachers
1 class and 1 teacher
There were no classrooms or teachers
Can you imagine a split class with every grade in it?!
Being split with the grade 4s is enough!
It would be fun!
Sounds like chaos!!
I would learn lots.
Classes were lit with oil lamps and natural light from the windows. Classes were heated by ____.
Draw a T if this statement is true or an F if the statement is false: Students had to do all of their work on slates because paper was hard to find. What would you draw on your slate?
What did students use to write important work or tests?
Quills made of bird feathers
Frills made of animal fur
Drills made of plastic
They finger painted
Who got to go to school?
Grown ups
Sons of rich families
Daughters of poor families
Why do we have summer vacation now?
Because kids wanted to play with their friends
Because lots of kids had to miss school to help with harvest on their family farms
Because the teacher really needed a break from teaching every grade in one room
Because it was too hot
Do you think you would have liked school 150 years ago? Why or why not?
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