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11 questions
Why is it critical to correctly determine the sample Z position?
I don’t know
To fulfill diffraction condition
To measure angles correctly
Which spectrum line has the shortest wavelength?
I don’t know
The diffraction peak (111) from a sample has the largest 2theta angle for:
I don’t know
Which of the following diffraction peaks from a sample has the greatest 2theta angle (100), (110) or (111)?
I don’t know
Why do we need a beta filter and what does it do?
To decrease amount of diffraction peaks by suppressing K-alpha spectrum line
To decrease amount of diffraction peaks by suppressing K-beta spectrum line
I don’t know
Diffraction vector K has direction
Along vector sum of k-vectors for incident and diffracted beams
Along bisect between incident and diffracted beams
I don’t know
Laue and Bragg equations determine condition for:
Constructive diffraction (CD) of all atoms in 3D periodical lattice
CD of all atoms in simple 3D periodical lattice without motif
I don’t know
Structure factor was introduced to calculate intensity of peaks considering
I don’t know
Type of atoms and their location insight the unit cell
3D symmetry of crystal
Absorption coefficient of the sample
Why we use reciprocal lattice and space to describe diffraction phenomena?
Because Bragg law requests this
I don’t know
Constrictive diffraction criterion K*R=integer requests this
Why is the crystal not rotated in the Laue diffraction method?
Because we use monochromatic radiation
I don’t know
Because we use polychromatic radiation
Why is it not necessary to rotate the crystal in the powder diffraction method?
Because of the varied orientations of the particles
Because we use monochromatic radiation
Because we use polychromatic radiation
I don’t know
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