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Force & Motion Lesson 5 & 6 Practice


15 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    A tire hanging from a tree is at rest. The force of gravity is pulling down on the tire. Another force, called tension, is pulling up on the tire. Tension is the pulling force that is transferred along the length of a string or rope.

    If the force of tension is equal to the force of gravity, then what will happen to the tire?

    The tire will accelerate upward.

    The tire will swing toward the left.

    The tire will remain at rest.

    The tire will accelerate toward the ground.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    Leah watches a toy car move across a table at a constant speed. The car moves across the table in one direction and falls off the other side. Leah decides to try another situation. She watches the car move across the table at a constant speed, then when it reaches the other side of the table, her friend Joey pushes the car in the other direction. The car moves back to Leah.

    Based on Leah's informal experiment, what forces cause the car to change direction?

    balanced forces from Joey pushing the car

    unbalanced forces from Joey pushing the car

    unbalanced forces from Leah watching the car

    balanced forces from the car moving across the table

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    When starting to slide down a waterslide, why would a person push on the sides of the slide?

    Pushing on the slide does not do anything for the person.

    The person wants the slide to move

    The person is using the slide to make himself move.

    The person is trying not to get wet.

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