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25 questions
2. ___ defined in philosophy as Rational Animal.
A. People
B. Ethics
C. Man
D. Moral
3. Norms maybe defined as , _____________
A. standardized ways of conduct and behavior
B. certain characteristics with brutes and beast
C. practical decision making
D. medical research
4. __ we are equipped with the ability to reason and make descisions base on common sense and conscience.
A. as rational animals
B. as moral being
C. as human being
D. as man
5. __ the aspect of existence that processes, acts, reacts, evaluate,and evolves through growth.
A. meaning
B. existence
C. Man
D. Life
6. for _____ the meaning of life is attaining the highest form of of knowledge
A. Plato
B. Aristotle
C. Jean-paul Sartre
D. St. thomas Aquinas
7. For Aristotle the meaning of life is ____
a. attaining the Highest good
b. attaining the highest knowledge
c. attaining the highest form
d. attaining the highest idea
8. It considers ____ to be the most important goal, because only through ensured liberty are the other inherent rights protected.
a. individual liberty
b. individual freedom
c. individual rights
d. individual will
9. Early thinkers such as ________________saw human kind beginning in the state of nature, then finding meaning for existence through labor and property, and using social contracts to create an environment that supports those efforts.
A. John James, Plato, Jean Paul Sartre
B. Viktor Frankl, St. Thomas Aquinas . Aristotle
C. Rousseau , Locke, Bentham
D. John Locke, Jean- JAcques Rousseau, Adam Smith
10. With utilitarianism which is credited by ____, who found that nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure.
a. Viktor Frankl
b. Jeremy Bentham
C. Aristotle
D. Jean Paul Sartre
11. according to ____ each person creates the essence of their life
a. Existentialism
b. postmodernism
c. liberalism
d. none of the above
12. Per secular humanism, the _________- came to be by reproducing successi8ve generations of a progression of unguided evolution as an integral expression
a. nature
b. human species
c. existence
d. none of the above
13. thought , brodlay speaking sees human nature as constructed by language or by structure and institutions of human society
a. postmodernism
b. persecular humanism
c. Hinduism
d. all of the above
14.. an act that is performed only by human being and thus is proper to man.
human act
act of man
none of the above
15. an act shared in common by man and other animals
act of man
human act
elicited act
commanded act
16. Those directly produced by the will; they begin and end in the will without transcending to other faculties
commanded act
elicited act
human act
voluntary act
17. a mere desire for something
18. he desired thing is attainable
19. the decisions to implement means to employ in attaining what is desired
20. Done by mind through the command of the will
mixed acts
external acts
internal acts
none of the above
21. those areas of interest where moral categories cannot be applied
non moral
immoral action
amoral actions
moral actions
22. areas of interest where moral categories do apply and of are such a kind as to be evil, sinful
immoral actions
moral actions
non moral
23. areas of interest exhibiting indifference to and not abiding by the morals rules of codes of society
amoral actions
immoral actions
non moral
none of the above
24. lack of knowledge about a thing in a being capable of knowing
25. A movement of the sensitive appetite which is moved by the good or evil apprehended by the immagination
passion or concupiscence
1. Ethics is also called ______, the discipline concerned with what is moralloy good and bad and morally right and wrong.
A. values
B. Moral Psychology
C. Moral Philosophy
D. Moral Values
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