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6 questions
Learning to distinguish right from wrong and developing a conscience
Infancy and Early Childhood (0-5)
Middle Childhood (6-12)
Adolescence (13 - 18)
Developing conscience, morality and a scale of values
Adolescence (13-18)
Middle Childhood (6-12)
Early Adulthood (19-30)
Desiring and achieving socially responsible behavior
Adolescence (13-18)
Early Adulthood (19-30)
Middle Childhood (6-12)
Starting an occupation
Middle Adulthood (30-60)
Early Adulthood (19-30)
Middle Childhood (6 -12)
Achieving adult social and civic responsibility
Later Maturity (61 +)
Middle Adulthood (30-60)
Early Adulthood (19-30)
Adjusting to decreasing strength and health
Later Maturity (61 +)
Early Adulthood (19-30)
Middle Adulthood (30-60)
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