English, Fun, Social Studies

KG -



Being assertive (Mini-game)


10 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    1 pt

    Bob is talking to Jake, but then Jake spills water on Bob's shirt. Bob is extremely mad. He yelled at Jake and Jake yelled at Bob. They started fighting. You saw everything. What will you do to stop them from fighting?

    Join into the fight

    Hit Jake for yelling Bob

    Hit Bob for yelling Jake

    Tell the teacher and tell both of them to stop

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    Peter is Jack's partner to join a game. When they lose the game, Peter said: "You make me lose the game! I'll never play with you!" Then Ann came. If you are Ann, what will you do?

    Calm Peter down

    Break the game console

    Hit Peter

    Slap Jack

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    You see your friend trying to borrow a piece of

    stationery (pen) from a classmate. He was like:" Hey

    you! Give me your pen or else!" Now the classmate

    refuses to let him borrow the pen. Now he's gone mad.

    He’s fighting for the pen! If you were in the boy's place

    ( trying to borrow your classmate's pen), what will you


    I would keep yelling at the boy I'm trying to borrow the pen from >:D

    Say sorry for yelling at him, and ask again but more *politely*

    Swear at the boy and threaten him to give me the pen

    Take the pen without permission

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