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10 questions
When is Our Birthday ?
31st October
31st December
13th October
31st November
Are we going to teach Data Structures and Algorithms
Why do We have a Discord Server
Just For Fun
Announcement of Upcoming events
Doubt Solving and Interaction
All of the above
Is the Club only for Btech Graduates
There are 27 coins and a two-pan balance. All coins has same weight except for one, which is heavier than all others. All coins looks identical. What is the minimum number of weighing required to certainly find out heavier coin?
There are Four people who need to cross the bridge during the night. The bridge can hold the weight of two people at a time and can not be crossed without a torch. Each person walks at a different speed, first can cross the bridge in 1 minute, second in 2 minutes, third in 5 minutes and fourth take 10 minutes to cross the bridge. If two persons go together, they walk at the speed of the slower person. What is the least amount in which all four people cross the bridge?
Which Teams are in the Club
O&M team and CP Team
CP team and Events Team
O&M team and Events Team
O&M team , CP Team and Events Team
What was Our Last Event about?
Course Content
VS Code Guide & Installation
Python or C++
All of the Above
Can Anyone fill the Recruitment form to be the part of the Executive Team?
NO !!!
YES !!!
What is our Chapter's Name?
CodeChef DYPIU
CodeDope DYPIU
DopeChef DYPIU
DopeCode DYPIU
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