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17 questions
According to the text how is Prometheus punished by Zeus?
Sent to the underworld
Forced to marry Pandora
Chained to mountain and attacked by vultures
Given a box of evils that Pandora opens
Who is the watchdog of the Underworld?
Who directs the ferry across the Styx in the Underworld?
Eurydice was a _____.?
Why was Zeus so scared that the human race would get fire?
When Pandora opened the box what was inside?
greed, envy, hatred, pain
love, music, poetry, romance
good emotions
Zeus was very angry with Prometheus and ordered him chained to the side of a mountain for all eternity. Prometheus was rescued...
when the ravens came and saved him
when Heracles came and released him
the sun melted the chains
mankind came with fire and burned the chains and rescued him
Why was Zeus sure that Pandora would open the box?
She was very curious.
She knew what was inside and since she was bad she wanted it to be released.
Because that was the command he had given to Pandora
Because it said "OPEN"
What was Zeus punishment to the humans?
Hades said he would bring Eurydice from the dead, but what was his ONLY condition?
How did Orpheus get past the Underworld
Begging Charon to let him get through
Fighting against them and winning
Hypnotizing them with his celestial music
In a boat through the Styx River
How does Eurydice die?
Eats poisonous pomegrante seeds
Killed by Zeus
Drowned in the Styx river
Snake Bite
What does Persephone eat?
12 orange seed
6 pomegranate seeds
2 apple seeds
4 chesnuts
How does Demeter prepare when Persephone comes back to Earth?
Why did Hades take Persephone down to the underworld?
He wanted her as a slave
He fell in love
To send her to Tartarus
To become the new Charon
Describe how was Earth when Persephone was there and when she was not.
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