Social Studies, History




Interim Review #1 (Chapters 1-3)


15 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    How did the British Mid-Atlantic Colonies differ from the Southern and New England Colonies?

    The land on which the colonies were established was originally settled by the Dutch.

    The land on which the colonies were established was originally settled by the Spanish.

    The colonies struggled economically due to geographic factors, as they lacked access to the coast for trade.

    The colonies struggled economically due to geographic factors, as their climate was not suited to agriculture.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    Why were colonial economies successful during the period of Salutary Neglect?

    Colonies had established independent trade with the French and American Indians before Salutary Neglect began.

    Colonies increased intercolonial commerce due to the decreased British regulation of colonial trading restrictions.

    Colonies were experienced in producing both raw materials and finished manufactured goods due to mercantilism.

    Colonies traded more efficiently after their populations became concentrated on the coast after the French and Indian War.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    How did the geography of the region affect the development of the Mid-Atlantic Colonies?

    The colonies’ mountainous regions contained coal, leading to industrial development.

    The colonies’ lack of rivers made transportation difficult, limiting trade between colonies.

    The colonies’ rocky soil encouraged colonists to emphasize manufacturing over-farming.

    The colonies’ numerous natural harbors helped cities develop trade and shipping networks.

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