Build your own quiz

Social Studies

11th -




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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    45 seconds
    1 pt

    What is one promise you make when you become a United States citizen?

    give up loyalty to other countries

    defend the Constitution and laws of the United States

    obey the laws of the United States

    serve in the U.S. military (if needed)

    serve (do important work for) the nation (if needed)

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    45 seconds
    1 pt

    What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy?

    vote, join a political party, & help with a campaign

    join a civic group & join a community group

    give an elected official your opinion on an issue & call Senators and Representatives

    publicly support or oppose an issue or policy & write to a newspaper

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    Which of the following is NOT a way to become a citizen?

    Be born in the US.

    Be born in a US territory or military base.

    Sign up for the selective service.

    Complete the Naturalization process.

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