
10th -





12 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    Which of the following is true? Yang manakah di antara berikut adalah benar?

    Vulcanised rubber is softer than unvulcanised rubber / Getah tervulkan lebih lembut daripada getah tak tervulkan

    Unvulcanised rubber is less elastic than vulcanised rubber / Getah tak tervulkan kurang kenyal daripada getah tervulkan

    Unvulcanised rubber is stronger than vulcanised rubber / Getah tak tervulkan lebih kuat daripada getah tervulkan

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    Vulcanisation is

    Pemvulkanan ialah

    A process whereby a substance in aqueous solution is decomposed into its constituent elements.

    Proses di mana bahan dalam keadaan larutan akueus diuraikan kepada unsur juzuknya.

    A reaction between an acid and an alkali to produce salt and water.

    Tindak balas di antara asid dan alkali untuk menghasilkan garam dan air.

    A process of adding sulphur to natural rubber molecules.

    Proses penambahan sulfur kepada molekul-molekul getaj asli

    A process of converting liquid fat into solid fat.

    Proses penukaran lemak cecair kepada lemak pepejal.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    Which of the following is not a reason for vulcanisation?

    Yang manakah bukan sebab untuk pemvulkanan?

    To improve the elasticity of rubber

    Menambah kekenyalan getah

    To improve the strength of rubber

    Menambah kekuatan getah

    To improve the hardness of rubber

    Menambah kekerasan getah

    To produce a rubber that is easily oxidised

    Menghasilkan getah yang mudah dioksidakan

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