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22 questions
What tree is the Marimba made from?
During his government, the monetary unit (Quetzal) was decreed in 1924. His face even appears on one of the bills. Who are we talking about?
Who is the author of Luna de Xelajú?
Francisco Pérez de Antón
Francisco Pérez Muñoz
José Ernesto Monzón
The Reformer Tower is a galvanized iron structure that is 70 meters high and resembles a small Eiffel Tower. In honor of which president was it built?
Great Quiché captain. It faced the invading Spanish army in 1524. Some historians point out that it is only the symbol of the defense of the sovereignty of the territory during the Conquest. Who was?
In which municipality of Petén is the Tikal archaeological park located?
It is also called "BAILE del Tun". It is the only known pre-Hispanic dance in colonial America that was not destroyed by the Spanish.
The Miguel Ángel Asturias Cultural Center was designed by the master Rodolfo Galeotti Torres. This statement is:
On October 20th, 1944, there was a civil-military uprising that overthrew a PROVISORY president. Who are we talking about?
What kind of flower is the Monja Blanca?
The Tajumulco Volcano is the highest in Guatemala and Central America. In which DEPARTMENT is it located?
How many departments does Guatemala have?
Master of fables, aphorisms and palindromes. He is the highest Hispanic figure in the short story, the shortest genre in literature. He became known for the story The Dinosaur (1959), the shortest in Spanish literature.
Which department belongs this flag to?
Who are the authors of the National Anthem, the official song dedicated to our country?
Who are considered heroes of independence?
Lake Atitlán has a special characteristic: a strong wind in its waters, at a certain time of day, which is known as:
The quetzal is the national bird. Is it true that it is mentioned in the Popol Vuh?
What is the legend in gold letters that the National Shield of Guatemala has in the center?
How many volcanoes are there in Guatemala?
The Mayans called it yaxché. It was declared a national symbol on March 8, 1955. What are we talking about?
In Guatemala, Spanish, Xinca, Garífuna and Mayan languages are spoken. How many languages are there in the country?
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