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10 questions
What is the quarter grade breakdown this year?
Tests: 30% Quizzes: 35% Homework: 15% Classwork: 20%
Tests: 35% Quizzes: 30% Homework: 20% Classwork: 15%
Tests: 30% Quizzes: 35% Homework: 20% Classwork: 15%
Tests: 35% Quizzes: 30% Homework: 15% Classwork: 20%
Where will every assignment be posted?
How long of a notice should you expect to get for a test?
At least a week before (5-7 days) the test
At least one class period before the test
At least two weeks before (10-14 days) the test
The day of the test
What percentage of missed points on a quiz can be earned back by doing quiz corrections?
When is assigned homework due, unless otherwise noted by me?
By the end of every Friday
By the end of every Sunday
By the next block day
By the start of every Monday
What is the time frame for when Mr. Strobl will accept late homework?
Up to 2 weeks after the due date
Up to 1 week after the due date
Up to the next block day after the due date
Up to midnight of the day the assignment was due
Where can you find me before school for help?
If you email me after 3:30PM, when can you expect a response?
Within 6 hours
Within 12 hours
Within 1 hour
Within 24 hours
When can you expect a review assignment for an assessment?
At least one block day before the assessment
At least two block days before the assessment
At least a week before the assessment
At least two weeks before the assessment
What is the 3rd major topic we are going to cover in this course?
Right Triangle Trigonometry & Angles
Graphing Trigonometric Functions
Trigonometric Identities
Applications & Solving Problems with Trigonometry
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