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15 questions
When something is redundant it means that it is excessive, unnecessary, or superfluous.
Redundancy usually involves repeating something or adding in information that is completely unnecessary.
A good way to test whether or not something is redundant is to see if the phrase in question could have something removed from it.
Identify the redundant phrases.
Actual fact
Forever and ever
Major breakthrough
9:00 a.m. in the morning
9:00 p.m. in the evening
Identify the redundant phrases.
Past history
Plan ahead
Postpone until later
Unexpected surprise
Unintentional mistake
Fix this redundant sentence!
There were three teachers that taught each and every hour at school today.
There were three teachers that taught each and every hour at school today.
There were three teachers that taught every hour at school today.
Fix this redundant sentence!
The money that I have is sufficient enough for my needs.
The money that I have is sufficient enough for my needs.
The money that I have is sufficient for my needs.
Fix this redundant sentence!
Bill asked the speaker to repeat again because he had not heard him the first time.
Bill asked the speaker to repeat again because he had not heard him the first time.
Bill asked the speaker to repeat because he had not heard him the first time.
Fix this redundant sentence!
She returned back to her hometown after she had finished her degree.
She returned back to her hometown after she had finished her degree.
She returned to her hometown after she had finished her degree
Fix this redundant sentence!
My teacher he said to listen to the news on the radio in order to practice listening comprehension.
My teacher he said to listen to the news on the radio in order to practice listening comprehension.
My teacher said to listen to the news on the radio in order to practice listening comprehension.
Fix this redundant sentence!
The new innovations at the World's Fair were fascinating.
The new innovations at the World's Fair were fascinating.
The innovations at the World's Fair were fascinating.
Fix this redundant sentence!
The chief main ingredients in soap are fats and chemicals called alkalis.
The chief main ingredients in soap are fats and chemicals called alkalis.
The main ingredients in soap are fats and chemicals called alkalis.
Fix this redundant sentence!
The flowers of certain plants, such as for example daisies, are called composite flowers.
The flowers of certain plants, such as for example daisies, are called composite flowers.
The flowers of certain plants, such as daisies, are called composite flowers.
Fix this redundant sentence!
Most of the cities of the American West are separated apart from one another by vast, relatively unpopulated expanses of mountains and deserts.
Most of the cities of the American West are separated apart from one another by vast, relatively unpopulated expanses of mountains and deserts.
Most of the cities of the American West are separated from one another by vast, relatively unpopulated expanses of mountains and deserts.
Fix this redundant sentence!
I am nearly almost finished with this chapter.
I am nearly almost finished with this chapter.
I am nearly finished with this chapter.
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