Physics, Science, Mathematics




Measuring Length


10 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    1. The diagram shows an enlarged drawing of the end of a metre rule. It is being used to measure

    the length of a small feather. What is the length of the feather?

    (A) 19 mm

    (B) 29 mm

    (C) 19 cm

    (D) 29 cm

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    2. A student wishes to find the volume of a small, irregularly-shaped stone. A ruler and a measuring cylinder containing some water are available.

    Which apparatus is needed?

    (A) neither the ruler nor the measuring cylinder

    (B) the measuring cylinder only

    (C) the ruler and the measuring cylinder

    (D) the ruler only

  • 3. Multiple Choice
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    1 pt

    3. A measuring cylinder is used to measure the volume of a quantity of water. Which measuring technique would not improve the accuracy of the measurement?

    (A) making sure that the measuring cylinder is vertical

    (B) making sure that the water surface is at eye level

    (C) reading the top of the water meniscus

    (D) using the smallest measuring cylinder available that will contain all the water

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