



Unit 2: Should and Zero Conditional


10 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    Complete the condition with its consequence.

    If you use burn gel,_______________________.

    your sunburn win´t hurt so much.

    you sunburn wen't hurt so mich.

    your sunburn won't hurt so much.

    you sinburn won't hurt so much.

  • 2. Fill in the Blank
    1 minute
    1 pt

    Write the answers.

    My dog is sick. Shloud I take him to the vet?

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    Choose the correct suggestions for problem. Use should and shouldn’t.

     I have a cut on my finger.

    You should use a bandage. You shouldn’t moved it too much.

    You should used a bandage. You shoulden’t move it too much.

    You should use a bandage. You shouldn’t move it too much.

    You shoult use a bandage. You shouldno’t move it too much.

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