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10 questions
What is the meaning of PROJECTILE MOTION?
A. A projectile motion can be a basketball, a soccer ball, a stone, an arrow, a human cannonball at a circus, a frog hopping, or even a long jumper at the Olympic game.
B. Projectile motion is the motion of an object thrown or projected into the air, subject to only the acceleration of gravity.
C.Projectile motion is the curved path of the object in respect to its motion along with the gravity.
D. The projectile motion can be expressed as x components and y components.
What is point of projection?
A. The parabolic path followed by a projectile.
B. The projectile from which an object is projected in air is called as velocity of projection.
C. The point from which the object is projected in air.
D. All of the above
What is angle protection?
A. Taken by the projectile angle to cover the entire trajectory.
B. The parabolic path followed by a projectile in air.
C. The point from which the object is projected in air
D. The angle with the horizontal at which an object is projected in air.
Find the meaning for velocity of projection.
A. The velocity angle with the horizontal at which an object is projected in air.
B. It is the maximum vertical distance travelled by the projectile from the ground level during its motion.
C. An object which is projected in the air.
D. The velocity with which an object is projected in air.
Definition of Trajectory.
A. It is the horizontal distance travelled by the projectile during entire motion.
B. Trajectory is the projectile to cover the entire trajectory.
C. The parabolic path followed by a projectile in air.
D. All of the above
Definition for time of flight.
A. Taken by the projectile to cover the entire trajectory.
B. It is the horizontal distance travelled by the projectile during entire motion.
C. It is the maximum vertical distance travelled by the projectile from the ground level during its motion.
D. It is the horizontal distance travelled by the projectile during entire motion.
Which do you think is the BEST that describes for MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF PROJECTILE?
A. It is the maximum distance travelled by the projectile during entire motion.
B. The maximum with which an object is projected in air.
C. It is a motion in which an object is thrown near the earth’s surface, and it moves along the curved path under the action of gravity only.
D. It is the maximum vertical distance travelled by the projectile from the ground level during its motion.
Describe the horizontal range of projectile.
A. It is the horizontal distance travelled by the projectile during entire motion.
B. The parabolic path followed by a projectile in air is called its trajectory.
C. The point from which the object is projected in air.
D. None of the above.
Which does not describe a projeectile motion?
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