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10 questions
What is the impact of having growing population?
more resources needed to meet their demand
no need for economic expansion
What are the three pillars of sustainable development
Politics, environment and economics
Social, environments and economics
The first pillar of sustainable development is social. Social pillar emphasize on
Education, justice and reducing poverty
Profitability and economic growth
Choose correct match
Environment - Sustainability manage forest and combat desertification
Economic - End hunger and poverty
Ensure access to water and sanitation for all is one of the SDGs that belongs to
Social pillar
Environment pillar
Economic growth in sustainable development can be seen in aspect of
Increased GDP and benefits
Inadequate financing
Environmental protection in sustainable development can be seen in
Respect and protection for all species
Increase in pollution
Define ecological footprints
Legal system that become the basis of sustainable development
Impact of human activities on the globe and the amount of resources necessary to produce the goods and services necessary to support a particular lifestyle.
What human can do in order to achieve sustainable lifestyle?
Good governance is important to the success of sustainable development. This highlighted the role played by
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