



Spirit Walking in the Tundra


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    What is the key idea of spirit walking in the tundra?

    The poem focuses on our main theme of being shaped by the places we are, and the places we come from.

    The poem is mostly about people walking until they reach the destination of spirits that start to haunt them

    The poem mainly talks about how spirits come only when people spirit walk and the spirits will never leave their sides.

    Non of the above

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    The mood created by the last poem is




  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
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    What message does the poem convey about the cycle of life?

    The poem shows that the cycle of life is a circle that repeats itself.

    The poem shows that death comes at the end of life and should be respected.

    The poem conveys that the cycle of life should not be talked about since it is a sacred thing.

    The poem shows that the cycle of life is a natural part of nature and emphasizes the close connection between life and death as reflected in nature and everyday life.

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