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Following the safety protocol will keep us safe from viruses. Use face masks to protect ourselves from viruses.
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Families stay at home during Community
Quarantine for their safety. Our neighbors and their kids did not go out of their houses. Even my family strictly stayed at home during the ECQ.
General Statement
Specific Statement
Keep yourself clean to avoid the spread of the virus. Keep your hands clean by washing regularly with soap and water.
General Statement
Specific Statement
Filipinos love basketball sports. There are often basketball courts in every street of Barangays. The community always organizes basketball leagues every summer.
General Statement
Specific Statement
Follow some tips for maintaining a healthy diet. Eat a variety of food, fruits, and vegetables. Eat moderate amounts of fats and oils. Limit sugar intake. Cut back on salt. Stay hydrated by drinking enough water everyday.
General Statement
Specific Statement
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