



AP Lang MC Practice Composition


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    9. Which of the following sentences, if placed before sentence 1, would both capture the audience’s interest and provide the most effective introduction to the topic of the paragraph?

    (A) NASA’s Mars Climate Orbiter was launched on December 11, 1998, from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.

    (B) On September 23, 1999, NASA officials were aghast when the $125 million Mars Climate Orbiter vanished as it prepared to enter the red planet’s orbit.

    (C) As part of a new set of missions intended to survey the planet Mars, the Mars Climate Orbiter was launched by NASA scientists to study Mars’s climate and weather.

    (D) When NASA officials lost contact with their Mars Climate Orbiter on September 23, 1999, they immediately instigated a search for the spacecraft using NASA’s Deep Space Network of radio antennae.

    (E) The Mars Climate Orbiter carried two instruments when it attempted and failed to enter Mars’s orbit in September, 1999: the Mars Climate Orbiter Color Imager (MARCI) and the Pressure Modulated Infrared Radiometer (PMIRR).

  • 2. Multiple Choice
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    10. In sentence 2 (reproduced below), the writer wants an effective transition from the introductory paragraph to the main idea of the passage.

    The culprit was a discrepancy in the software that controlled the spacecraft’s thrusters: one team of engineers had calculated the force needed from the thrusters in pounds, an imperial unit, while another team calculated the force in newtons, a metric unit.

    Which of the following versions of the underlined text best achieves this purpose?

    (A) (as it is now)

    (B) thrusters; the data from the spacecraft and the data from NASA’s computers on the ground had not been matching up for months since the launch of the Orbiter

    (C) thrusters (two different engineering teams—one from Lockheed Martin Astronautics and another from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory—had worked on creating different parts of the software)

    (D) thrusters—software that was used to calculate the trajectory the Orbiter needed to take in order to enter Mars’s orbit successfully

    (E) thrusters: four thrusters were used for trajectory correction maneuvers as well as pitch and yaw control, while another four were used for roll control

  • 3. Multiple Choice
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    11. In sentence 3 (reproduced below), which of the following versions of the underlined text best establishes the writer’s position on the main argument of the passage?

    The Orbiter mission failure is just one reason, albeit an extremely expensive one,

    that the United States needs to abandon future Mars survey missions.

    (A) (as it is now)

    (B) should consider privatizing space exploration

    (C) needs to adopt the metric system

    (D) should partner with other countries on future missions to outer space

    (E) must stress STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education starting at an early age

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