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10 questions
GOD asked Jonah to go to Which City?
City of David
To which city did Jonah flee away from the presence of GOD?
What happened to Jonah when he ran away from the presence of God?
LORD sent great wind
LORD was happy about Jonah
Jonah was happy with his family
Sea was calm
What did the Sailors do to Jonah when great wind attacked the Ship?
Gave Food
Let Jonah to Sleep peacefully
Threw Jonah into the sea
Played with Jonah
How many days Jonah was in the belly of the Fish?
2 Days and 2 Nights
3 Days and 3 Nights
1 Day and 3 Nights
3 Dayss and 2 Nights
What did people of Nineveh do when they heard the word fo God against them?
Ignored God
Stoned Jonah
Chased Jonah out of the City
Did GOD forgive the people of Nineveh when they asked forgiveness?
God sent plague to the City
God destroyed the City
Jonah was worried about the ....?
People of Nineveh
Plant which grew over-night
For himself
About God
Is it good Quality to wish bad for others?
We should not Wish bad for others
yes,we can wish bad for others
What did you understand from this Lesson of Jonah?
God loves only Good People
GOD'S Love and Grace is for Everyone.
God looks at the outward appearance
God love only rich people
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