



FSA Reading Practice Review


22 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    Part A: What is the central idea of Passage 1?

    A) Obama is running for president.

    B) Obama will fight to help the working man.

    C) Obama will work hard.

    D) Obama will take us in a new direction.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    #1 - Part B: How does the author develop the central idea in Part A?

    A) by explaining how he can help the average American

    B) by describing how he is different from other candidates

    C) by comparing himself to George Bush

    D) by highlighting his strong childhood

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    #2 Read the following quote from Passage 1....“Joe Biden – a man whose heart and values are rooted firmly in the middle class.”...What message is Obama trying to get across to the audience?

    A) Biden has a lot of money.

    B) Biden can relate to the common man.

    C) Biden has strong values.

    D) Biden is in the middle class.

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