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9 questions
A museum activity that you can explore, and move with your hands is what kind of exhibit?
1) interactive
2) interstate
3) interrupt
Between states means what?
1) interactive
2) interstate
3) interfere
To stop something from happening before it occurs means what?
1) internet
2) interpreter
3) interrupt
To get between two people when it's not your problem or issue means what?
1) international
2) intermission
3) interfere
A person who helps translate the languages between different people is called what?
1) interpreter
2) interrupt
3) interstate
To throw a remark into a conversation between two or more people means what?
1) interstate
2) internet
3) interject
A break between parts of a play, opera, or concert means what?
1) internet
2) intersect
3) intermission
The worldwide computer system that allows communication and information sharing among people is what?
1) internet
2) interject
3) interfere
Things that happen between or among the nations of the world mean what?
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