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22 questions
Name this Part?
12 tooth gear
60 tooth gear
80 tooth gear
36 tooth gear
Name this Part?
36 tooth gear
12 tooth gear
24 tooth gear
60 tooth gear
What is this VEX Robot part?
Bump Switch
Sprocket Gear
Axle or shaft
What is this VEX Robot part?
Spur Gear
Axle Collar
Sprocket Gear
shaft collar
What is this VEX Robot part?
Spur Gear
Sprocket Gear
Bearing Flat
What is this VEX Robot part?
Spur Gear
Bump Switch
V5 Smart Motor
Limit Switch
What is this VEX Robot part?
Bearing Plate
Collar Shaft
V5 Robot Brain
Spur Gear
What is this VEX Robot part?
Vex Servo Motor
Vex Motor Controller
V5 Smart Battery
Vex Cortex
What is this VEX Robot part?
What is this VEX Robot part?
Vex Cortex
Vex Claw Assembly
Vex Collar Shaft
Vex Spur Gear
What is the name of this part?
Traction Wheel
spaces out a gear or wheel
Shaft Connector
Black Spacer
Flat bearing
attaches a shaft to metal so the shaft can freely spin.
Shaft Collar
Bearing Flat
Black Spacer
attaches the flat bearing to a piece of metal
Pop Rivet
Hex Screw
Nylon Nut
Teflon Washer
What is the name of this part?
Chassis Rail
Shaft Collar
Bumper Switch
Base Plate
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